And the Winner is…..

Drumroll please…. (I’m imagining you all doing this, just go with it.)  The winner of the FREE bar of Salvation Soaps is –





(please forgive me for stalking your Facebook page and stealing this picture – but really, its gorgeous!)

Thank you all for entering and supporting Hallelujah Breakdown.  Keep checking back because there will be more giveaways in the future.  And don’t forget that all resources on this blog are FREE to use all the time and at least 3 resources are posted each week.

Shameless plug:  Nina, our giveaway winner, has her own book about praying for men of P.O.W.E.R.  This is a prayer resources that you can grab by visiting Trinity Gal’s (Nina) Facebook page Praying for Men of Power

Lent Bible Reading Resources

Good Monday morning!  If it’s a little yucky where you are, you might have the day off which is a great time to start preparing your resources for Lent (which begins THIS Wednesday!). I have been blessed to know a number of wonderful Christian women that have a heart for ministry and an attention to detail.  Today’s post is a feature of two of these such women and provide great resources for you to use.

If you like a day-by-day broken down plan of what to read and do for Lent click here: – This was created by Nina Borum and incorporates Scripture reading and real-life living.  This is a great reminder that we are not to be readers only, but doers of the Word!

If you’re like me and find yourself getting behind on a daily reading plan (oops!) then scoot on over to Practice Hospitality here –  .  This post features a read-as-you-go pattern where it’s ok if you miss a day or two so you don’t feel like you have to double or triple up readings to get caught up.

Find what works for you, and dig in the word during this season of Lent!