Scripture Journaling


scripture journaling

(Some days you just need the Psalms to make you feel right again.)

I’ve recently gotten into Scripture journaling thanks to my friend Lt. Sharon Autry and her post on Practice Hospitality: #WriteTheWord .  With the e-centered culture we live in, this is a refreshing way to interact with Scripture.  It doesn’t have to be plugged in, tabbed, e-mailed, hashtagged, or any other things that I would have to Google to find the definition for.  It is simply you sitting down with your Bible and a pen (remember those?) and writing out Scripture.

Things I like about Scripture journaling:

It takes me more time to get through a piece of Scripture.  I took the path from Practice Hospitality and started with the book of John.  I started about a week ago and I’m only halfway through chapter 2!  If I were just reading it, I would be MUCH farther!  But taking the time to write (or draw) out each word gives my brain time to process what I’m reading and writing and take a new look at it.  In a busy world where we try to rush through things to get them done, it’s nice to be able to sloooooow down for a bit.

It gives me a reason to get creative – and to use journals and notebooks that I bought because eventually I would use them!  I like colors and patterns and all things cute.  I also have a problem with buying journals, writing in them once or twice, then forgetting about them.  This is the perfect fusion for those things.  Fill up the journal with not only cute, but life-giving, words.

It’s old school – really old school.  Scribes used to write the Scriptures over and over, because that was the only way to make copies.  There weren’t Xerox machines or Amazon where you could just order a new Bible when you felt like it.  It’s a neat feeling when you join in with the traditions of the past.

It gives my pen collector husband a reason to buy me a nice fountain pen for Christmas. (*cough cough* shameless/desperate plug)

Things I don’t like about Scripture journaling:

My hand hurts!  I can type pretty fast and fairly efficiently.  My hands are used to that.  They are not used to holding a pen (or crayon) and writing constantly.  Thank years of office work for that.  Even most note-taking is done on tablets or laptops.  I know I just started, so it will take the muscles in my hand a while to adjust, but it does sometimes cut into the time that I would like to spend journaling.  My heart and my head want to keep going but my hand cramping up says, “Please just stop already!”  Really, it’s the only dislike, and a minor one at that.


Give Scripture journaling a try and see if you like it.  Post or share your experience here or on our Facebook page.

Friday Fun – FREE Printables

For our wedding I was fixated on burlap and lace – one rough, the other dainty.  In the end it turned out beautifully.  For today’s post I’m sending you over (once again) to the Practice Hospitality blog for another odd matchup.  Clicking on the link takes you to a post featuring a Camo & Lace theme for an Annual Dinner with the theme “Hidden in Christ.”  It’s a bit different and out of the box, but with those two things combined there is something for everyone!


**If you have any resources that you want featured on the blog, send them to and I’ll be happy to share!**

Catching Fire


Y’all, I’m seeing a trend – and if it catches fire and this could speak to and transform everyone it could be a beautiful revival.

Practice Hospitality released a post today that speaks to the same kind of issues as the one posted here just a few hours ago.  And if the Lord is speaking this into two hearts and lives, how many more is He speaking it to that we haven’t found out about yet? (Insert Holy Spirit goosebumps here)

Lent – it’s not about me.  Looks like it’s about everyone else BUT me.

Lent Bible Reading Resources

Good Monday morning!  If it’s a little yucky where you are, you might have the day off which is a great time to start preparing your resources for Lent (which begins THIS Wednesday!). I have been blessed to know a number of wonderful Christian women that have a heart for ministry and an attention to detail.  Today’s post is a feature of two of these such women and provide great resources for you to use.

If you like a day-by-day broken down plan of what to read and do for Lent click here: – This was created by Nina Borum and incorporates Scripture reading and real-life living.  This is a great reminder that we are not to be readers only, but doers of the Word!

If you’re like me and find yourself getting behind on a daily reading plan (oops!) then scoot on over to Practice Hospitality here –  .  This post features a read-as-you-go pattern where it’s ok if you miss a day or two so you don’t feel like you have to double or triple up readings to get caught up.

Find what works for you, and dig in the word during this season of Lent!